DESATAR Ministry is set out to reach the lost, loose the bounds of the captive and set the oppressed free for Christ. Through the direction of God and the power of His Word, DESATAR Ministry is a place where ALL can come and receive sound Spiritual formation and understanding of the Kingdom of God in its fullness. Our desire is to build up strong leaders and loose them into our dying community and world as Ambassadors of Life and Hope.
DISCIPLESHIP: Discipling believers through the word and action of spiritual formation. Instilling in them the vision of the Church and principles needed to live a healthy and pure life in Christ. Matthew 28:19
EMPOWERMENT: To live a life of integrity in Christ. Building strong men and women to believe in God, His living Word, and themselves, in order to exercise their ability to overcome situations whether in the Physical or Spiritual Realm, by means of an empowered Faith in all Three. Philippians 4:13, Romans 8:37, 1 Chronicles 29:12
SERVICE: Jesus came to earth to serve and not be served. As people of God we have been called to imitate Christ through our service in the Kingdom. To serve God, serve our community, and serve one another with the gifts God has given us. Through our service and sacrifice in love the World will see and come to know Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Matthew 20:28, John 13:14-17
ADORATION: In all our doing we cannot afford to do anything without Prayer. Prayer is the life blood in our relationship with God, without adoration we are merely living a life of religion and works. Through prayer we can have much more in our relationship with God. Prayer strengthens us, maintains us, and directs us, this is why it is essential that the believer pray at all times. Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17
TRANSFORMATION: We believe that we all are to come to Jesus in our current state of being. We also believe that with an intimate relationship with God, the strongholds that used to keep us captive will deteriorate. We also understand that a change can be instantaneous. Transformation is seen in our action, speech, and growing desire to please God. We believe that there are 6 focus areas to a transformed life which should be held in a respectful balance; Intimacy with God, Family, Ministry, Finances, Fellowship/Friendship, and Self. Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:17-32
ACTION: We all have been called to preach the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, has come into the world and redeemed it from sin. The gift of eternal life is offered to those who are willing to receive it. We have not been called to only be hearers of the Word but doers. Our desire is to fulfill the great commission of preaching the Gospel, in both word and in action. This action is not limited to individual spiritual needs, but also the physical and social needs of our community. Isaiah 58:6-7, Matthew 7:26, James 1:19-27, Luke 4:18
RELATIONSHIPS: We fail at our relationships because we have not learned to cultivate them. The world around us is moved by impulses of what a relationship should be. The Word of God reveals to us the quality of true relationships, not only applicable in the bible times, but also in the 21st century. Most people who come to Christ, come on the basis of a relationship, while another number leaves the Kingdom for a lack of healthy relationships. The only bond to any healthy relationship is Love. We must have a sound relationship with God, our family, our family in Christ and those being brought to Christ. John 15:13-15, Luke 10:27, Ephesians 5:22-28, Hebrews 10:19-25, 1 John 4:7, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13