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Mission & Vision

DESATAR Ministry is set out to reach the lost, loose the bounds of the captive and set the oppressed free for Christ. Through the direction of God and the power of His Word, DESATAR Ministry is a place where ALL can come and receive sound Spiritual formation and understanding of the Kingdom of God in its fullness. Our desire is to build up strong leaders and loose them into our dying community and world as Ambassadors of Life and Hope.


Discipling believers through the word and action of spiritual formation. Instilling in them the vision of the Church and principles needed to live a healthy and pure life in Christ. 

Matthew 28:19

We Believe

  • We Believe that Scriptures are inspired by God.      

2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21


  • We Believe that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.   

Genesis 1:1, Revelation 4:11, John 1:1-3


  • We Believe that there is only One True God revealed in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity)   

Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 John 5:7 


  • We Believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God's son, Jesus was both fully man (human) and fully God (divine). Born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed countless miracles, died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected in 3 days.    

Matthew 3:16-17, Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16, Luke 1:31, Matthew 28:5-7  


  • We Believe though originally good, Man willingly fell to sin ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world. Every person can have restored fellowship with God through 'Salvation' (accepting Christ's offer of forgiveness for sin). 

Genesis 3, Romans 5:1-19, John 3:16  


  • We Believe in and practice the Holy Ordinances given to us by our Lord which are, water baptism and communion. 

Romans 6:4, Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Luke 22: 16-20


  • We Believe in the return of Jesus Christ for His Church.  

Acts 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


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As a leader, Pastor Luis Vergara is esteemed for his vision, faith, endurance, and heart for the city.  As a church pastor, he is known for effectively communicating God’s Word with his thought provoking teaching style, dynamic blend of humor and charisma; and everyday living examples.



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Pastor Francisca Vergara is highly regarded as a vibrant and powerful speaker who is passionate about populating the Kingdom of God with the message of truth. She is an anointed woman of character which is manifested in her faith, Christian walk, and selfless love for God and His people. 


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Worship Service

New Fall/Winter Hours

Sunday Worship @ 10:45am




Every Thursday Bible Study @ 7:00pm



Bible Study

Contact Us

1170 West Windlake Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53215


P.O. Box 340384

Milwaukee, WI 53234




© 2023 by DESATAR Ministry

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